bulwark masternode
28. 1. 2018https://github.com/masterhash-us/Bulwark-MN-Install/blob/master/install.sh < read, not run
https://github.com/bulwark-crypto/Bulwark/blob/master/doc/build-unix.md < build unix
server https://masternodeguides.com/best-vps-provider-cryptocurrency-masternodes/
master node
master node ↓
https://youtu.be/c2CiRdE18Ww < Most likely the procedure is pretty much the same as vivo.
bulwarkd -daemon # starts wallet?
bulwark-cli getinfo # test wallet
bulwark-cli getaccountaddress 0 # get main address
# where coins must reside
bulwark-cli masternode genkey # masternode private key
bulwark-cli stop # stop server
Edit the conf
vi ~/.bulwark/bulwark.conf
might hodl
start server again
bulwarkd -daemon
Transfer request number of coins from your local wallet to masternode address0 (getaccountaddress 0).
Wait for confirmations (in vivo case 15), that is visible in your local gui waller under ‘transactions’.
start the masternode
bulwark-cli masternode start
bulwark-cli masternode status
bulwark-cli getwalletinfo # see the profit
Warning: All this assumes ^ that bulwark is same/close to vivo, so wow.
Patching back the masternode to your local wallet software?
hardening ↓
fail2ban, firewall?
irc fail2ban assumes complicated user configuration, so i’d skip that, firewall seems unnecesarry.
keybased ssh auth only < that.
backup wallet < that.
concept of cold wallet ↓
masternode itself doesn’t hold any coins, they are all in your local wallet.