
image-nohash-th image-nohash-th image-nohash-th image-nohash-th

Note: Simulation did NOT work well until object are whole (removed inside poligons, dots merged …)


Ping-pong video.

‘A lot of Tetris’ with alpha ↓

A lot of Tetris ping-pong video.

Rigid body solver
Speed:			   1
Steps per Second:  500
Solver iterations: 120

Object surface response
Friction:		   0.210
Bouncieness:	   0.295
Margin:            0m
Deactivation enabled (defaults)

‘Even more Tetris’ with alpha ↓

This got blocked on sheep due to average time being more than 30 minutes per frame, now trying:

12 (square samples) = 144 AA total samples
Clamp Direct/Indirect = 2

	Radius:            8
	Feature strength:  0.50
	Strength:          0.67
	Relative filter:   check

Even more Tetris video. Bullet solver is unstable (Not enough Iterations/StepsPerSec ? Objects too bouncy?)

Rigid body solver
Speed:			   1
Steps per Second:  250
Solver iterations: 120

Object surface response
Friction:		   0.210
Bouncieness:	   0.643
Margin:            0m
Deactivation enabled (defaults)

Cumulated time of render: 15d19h (sheepit)