Keyboard LEDS
3. 11. 2019Mkay
# capslock blink
xset led on; sleep 1; xset led off
Could be by name (Does nothing on kumara)
xset led named "Sleep" # on
xset -led named "Sleep" # off
Missing? definitions in
xset -q
Keyboard Control:
auto repeat: on key click percent: 0 LED mask: 00000000
XKB indicators:
00: Caps Lock: off 01: Num Lock: off 02: Scroll Lock: off
03: Compose: off 04: Kana: off 05: Sleep: off
06: Suspend: off 07: Mute: off 08: Misc: off
09: Mail: off 10: Charging: off 11: Shift Lock: off
12: Group 2: off 13: Mouse Keys: off
Export current settings to file (x11-xkb-utils)
xkbcomp $DISPLAY myconf.xkb