FizzBuzz, bash edition
30. 12. 2019
My bash hack
# FizzBuzz, bash edition
# Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print "Fizz" instead of the number and for the multiples of five print "Buzz". For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print "FizzBuzz".
for i in {1..100}; do
echo -n "$i"
if (( i % 3 == 0 )); then # or if (( i / 3 * 3 == i )); then
echo -ne "\\rFizz" # \r deletes the line
three="1" # bool, divisible by 3
if (( i % 5 == 0 )); then
if (( three )); then
echo -ne "Buzz" # add to Fizz
echo -ne "\\rBuzz" # delete the line
echo # newline
(c++ version has control char abuse as well)
With array by emilwest
# declare an indexed array since order is important
declare -a words
for i in {1..100}; do
# iterate array indexes
for index in "${!words[@]}"; do
if (($i % $index == 0 )); then output+="${words[$index]}"; fi
if [ -z $output ]; then output=$i; fi
printf "%s\n" $output
Bash oneliner
for i in {1..100};do((i%3))&&x=||x=Fizz;((i%5))||x+=Buzz;echo ${x:-$i};done
Javascript oneliner
for(let i=0;i<100;)console.log((++i%3?'':'fizz')+(i%5?'':'buzz')||i)
p.s. Returns fizz buzz, instead of Fizz Buzz.
Lisp (unknown author).
;; FizzBuzz in Common Lisp
;; Problem statement:
;; "Write a program that prints the numbers from
;; 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print “Fizz”
;; instead of the number and for the multiples of
;; five print “Buzz”. For numbers which are multiples
;; of both three and five print “FizzBuzz”."
;; Source:
;; Requirements:
;; R1: Must print a sequence from 1 to 100
;; R1 assumption: it is a sequence of integers.
;; R1 assumption: the sequence increments by one.
;; R1 assumption: print refers to output to stdout.
;; R2: Given that an element in the sequence is
;; divisible by three and also divisible by five,
;; print the string "FizzBuzz"
;; R2 assumption: the quotes are not part of the output.
;; R3: Given that an element in the sequence is
;; divisible by three, print "Fizz".
;; R3 assumption: see R2 assumption.
;; R3 assumption: if an element of the sequence
;; meets R2, it is considered that R3 has also
;; been met, as the string "Fizz" has been output.
;; R4: Given that an element in the sequence is
;; divisible by five, print "Buzz".
;; R4 assuptions: see assumptions for R3.
;; R5: Given that an element in the sequence is
;; divisible by neither three or five, output the
;; element.
;; R5 assumption: a string representation of the
;; element is an acceptable output.
;; Non-requirements:
;; * Ability to process sequences of a different
;; length.
;; * Ability to replace elements other than 3 and 5.
;; * Ability to define the replacement strings at
;; runtime.
;; Design considerations:
;; Absent any indications otherwise, it is assumed
;; that readability and maintainability are more
;; important than code size or performance.
;; Nevertheless, the program does not aim to be
;; unnecessarily verbose nor too inefficient.
(defun FizzBuzz ()
(loop for n from 1 below 101 do
let (
(divisibleByThree (zerop (mod n 3)))
(divisibleByFive (zerop (mod n 5)))
(and divisibleByThree divisibleByFive)
(write-line "FizzBuzz")
(write-line "Fizz")
(write-line "Buzz")
(format t "~d~%" n)
The one that looks correct and reads easily (ruby), but what do I know.
for n in range(1, 101):
line = ""
if n%3 == 0:
line = line + "Fizz"
if n%5 == 0:
line = line + "Buzz"
if line:
print line
print n
Shell with seq and awk
seq 100 | awk '$0=NR%15?NR%5?NR%3?$0:"Fizz":"Buzz":"FizzBuzz"'
Sed and yes (?)
yes | sed -n '0~3s/y/Fizz/;0~5s/y*$/Buzz/;tx;=;b;:x;p;100q'
yes - output a string repeatedly until killed
wget -q -O -
And gazzilion others.