TotalWire lite 2021
29. 12. 2020
An attempt to simplify config of an old file manager friend from another os.
How to quote stuff ↓
when using cmd or powershell or wt as a startup wrapper for some command.
cmd /k ↓
command: cmd /k
parameters: robocopy "%P" "%T" /E /xd Adobe*Premiere*pro
command: cmd /k
parameters: robocopy "%P\." "%T\." /E /xd Adobe*Premiere*pro
also just \ should be enough, without a dot.
Robocopy can also ignore files using /xf
robocopy "%P\" "%T\" /E /xd Adobe*Premiere*Pro* /xf *.blend1
powershell -NoExit -Command ↓
command: powershell -NoExit -Command
parameters: robocopy '%P\.' '%T\.' /E /xd Adobe*Premiere*pro