
Mostly Blender microdisplacement, also mist pass (textures by JSplacement) and post with fotosketcher and some photoshop). 3440x1440 px.

Breakdown ↓

Geometry nodes generate ‘random’ blob, which is then turned into tetris piece with the help of remesh modifier, hi-res details are then added with the microdisplacement texture. Mist pass added in compositor.
01_geoNodes-fs8.png-qrSMBxrCyYvkVSC-th 02_modifiers-fs8.png-VN1MnfGrpssMVlq-th 03_material-fs8.png-hyFi0eS2fLofohq-th 04_post-fs8.png-NyJZqQ4lZx6FFmD-th