Fuzzy launch, cd, fzf, fzy


Fuzzy launch v1 (eval is evil)
eval "$(compgen -c | fzy -p "launch >> ")"

Fuzzy launch v2 (with exploding array, less dangerous)

unset arr;arr=();arr+=($(compgen -c | fzy -p "launch >> ")) && "${arr[@]}"
  • The not quoting part is important in this case (space being separator for each array member)


Fuzzy cd (cd is not dangerous)

cd "$(fdfind -t d -d 1 | fzy)"
  • find directories, max depth 1 and pipe that to fuzzy finder
  • Both fzy and fdfind (fd-find) are in the Debian repos

Fuzzy cd v2 (using fzf instead of fzy)

cd "$(fdfind -H -L -t d -d 3 | fzf -0 --height=10 --layout=reverse)"
# alias cdf, or start the search at root
cd "$(fd -H -L -t d -d 3 . "/" | fzf -0 --height=10 --layout=reverse)"
# alias cdff
  • find directories, max depth 3 and pipe that to fuzzy finder
  • -H, -L : also show hidden dirs and links
  • fzf with -0 will exit if no data (if no subdirs are found)

history and commands

Noninteractive fuzzy search history and available commands v1, just list, don’t run anything

echo -n "search history and commands > " && read var && { tail -1000 ~/.bash_history & compgen -c; } | fzy -e "$var" | uniq | head -10 | column

Noninteractive fuzzy search history and available commands v2, just list, don’t run anything

echo -n "search history and commands > " && read var && \
{ { history | awk '{$1=""; print $0;}' | sed 's/^ //g'; } & compgen -c; } \
| fzy -e "$var" | uniq | head -10 | column
  • Depending on the history config this may fail due to different history format between bash and zsh for example
  • awk removes 1st column and sed removes leading spaces

Making this a function that can function in .bash_aliases as well

# functions
comhis () {
    # Noninteractive fuzzy search history and available commands 
    if (( $# )) ; then
        { { history | awk '{$1=""; print $0;}' | sed 's/^ //g'; } & compgen -c; } \
        | fzy -e "$var" | uniq | head -20 | column





Adding ctrl+t (interactive search files) and ctrl+r (interactive search history) to zsh, if fzf is installed via repos, add this to ~/.zshrc

# fzf
source /usr/share/doc/fzf/examples/key-bindings.zsh

Digging and binding

bindkey | grep fzf
"^R" fzf-history-widget
"^T" fzf-file-widget
"^[c" fzf-cd-widget

So it turns out that fzf already comes with some sort of ‘cdf’.

Bindind keys in zsh

bindkey -s '^[k' 'cdf\n'    # alt+k
bindkey -s '^[l' 'launch\n' # alt+l

Magic symbols were found by running ‘showkey -a’, part of kdb package.
