Blurp last or middle frame or scene detected frames to tty, update 4


3 simple scripts to blurp last or middle or scene detected frames to tty.
edit: There is also a version of scene detected that generates some html < This is the hero version.

Bug hunt (sceneFrameMitHtml)

edit: Known bugs: When the scene counter reaches 1000, things break. edit2: Most likely, almost certainly the bug is already at the ffmeg line:

# first frame, I want as well
ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel panic -i "$1" -vf "${crop}" -vframes 1 -pix_fmt rgb24 "$tmp/make/000.png" || exit

# scene detect
ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel info -nostats -i "$1" -threads 0 -vf "${crop},select=gt(scene\,0.4)",showinfo -pix_fmt rgb24 -vsync vfr "$tmp/make/%03d.png" 2> "$tmp/detect.log" >/dev/null &    

where %03d can obviously only host 999 numbers, duh. FIX THE SCRIPT.

edit3: Another bug was in this grep:

var="$(grep "n: \+$frame " "$tmp/detect.log")"

but detect.log gaining 1000ths detection will actually not match (there is no space no more in front of the number), possible solution would be:

# \s matches any whitespace chars (including newline, tab), and you can use * to match ZERO or more of them
var="$(grep "n:\s*$frame " "$tmp/detect.log")";

Probably fixed.

Demos & screenshots

lastFrame demo

sceneFrame demo

p.s. Also tested with kitty term and seems to work fine


There is another way to do scene detection using scdet filter,

# help
ffmpeg -h filter=scdet
# example
ffmpeg -i file.mxf -vf "scdet=threshold=0.2" -f null - 2> scdet.log 

which supposedly uses a different kind of detection. Untested. Filter is not mentionied in ffmpeg docs due to experimental nature?

(This post and scripts were first posted 22. 6. 2022.)